It might take a minute or two for the pendulum to start moving, but it does in most cases. While keeping your eyes open (remember to blink naturally) picture in your mind’s eye the circles getting bigger and bigger as the pendulum sweeps out larger and larger concentric orbits. Breathe and blink naturally and start to imagine the object on the bottom of the pendulum start to move in small circles like it’s orbiting a point directly beneath it. In this variation, we will use blue light, with the aid of a cartoon. There are infinite variations of this visualization exercise and is only limited by your imagination. It usually revolves around the idea of absorbing positive energy and getting rid of negative one. Sit up straight and let your fingers holding thread hover about 6 inches in front of your nose. Pure light visualization is a popular technique for relaxation and healing. In this light meditative sequence, tap into your inner energy channels that will. Next, place the elbow of your arm holding the thread on a surface like a table top while sitting so the object hangs about ¼ inch above the surface. Jon Gabriel Visualization For Health With Jon Gabriel. Then hold the tip of the thread between your index finger and thumb so the object hangs straight down. Your body will act in the way you visualize.

By fully envisioning a positive experience and outcome, you can realize these behaviors into being. If you’d like to give it a try, tie a small, lightly weighted object (like a metal nut or bolt) to a thread about 12 inches long. visualization exercises may be able to help. One neat way to personally experience this amazing mind-body connection is with a method first used in hypnosis called Chevruel’s pendulum. And because of the two way street that connects the mind and psychology with physiology and biology, the mind itself can affect the body in many powerful ways. In fact, the brain and the nervous system weave into all the tissues of the body and affect them in very important ways.